Cookies Policy | SFM
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On this page you will find information on the Policy of collection and treatment of cookies from

The page you are visiting belongs to SYSTEM FILTER MEDIAM SL

Once all the information provided has been read, we inform the user that if he continues browsing through this website without having configured the browsers to prevent the installation of the cookies used by him, in the terms included in article 22.2 of Law 34 / 2002 Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, according to the wording of the same given by RD 13/2012 of March 30, will be giving their consent for the use of cookies.

This Cookies Policy may be modified whenever there are changes in the configuration and / or use of them. SYSTEM FILTER MEDIAM SL will always keep the updated version published on this website, stating its update date at the end of this page.

General information to the user: Definition and function of cookies.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the user’s computer or device when accessing a web page in order to store and retrieve information about the user’s or team’s browsing habits and, depending on the information they contain, and In the way you use your equipment, they can be used to recognize a User.

To give some examples, from a technical point of view, cookies allow web pages to work more agile and adapted to your preferences, SYSTEM FILTER MEDIAM SL uses them, for example, to save the data of your session.

In the same way, cookies also allow to establish levels of protection and security with the aim of making cyber attacks difficult against the website or against our users.

They also allow you to collect statistical and anonymous data that allow us to improve your browsing experience; as well as perform segmented advertising or adapted to your interests.

What types of cookies can be found on websites?

Exempt Cookies: These are the cookies that legally do not need to inform or obtain consent for their use. These are cookies that allow communication between the user’s equipment and the network, as well as those that strictly provide a service expressly requested by the user, such as:

  • Cookies user input.
  • Authentication or user identification cookies (session only).
  • User’s security cookies.
  • Multimedia player session cookies.
  • Session cookies to balance the load.
  • Customization cookies for the user interface.
  • Add-on cookies (plug-in) to exchange social content.

Depending on who is the entity that manages the computer or domain from which the cookies are sent and treat the data obtained, the cookies can be:

  • Own cookies: They are sent to the user’s equipment, device or terminal from a computer or domain managed by the owner of the website and from which the service managed by the user is provided. Own cookies are not considered those installed from a computer or domain managed by the person in charge of the website but that the information collected through the cookies is managed by a third party.
  • Third party cookies: They are sent to the user’s equipment, device or terminal from a computer or domain not managed by the owner of the website, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.

For example, in our case, third-party cookies are considered those that have not been developed by or for SYSTEM FILTER MEDIAM SL (owner of the domain of the website and provider of the information services offered through the same), as for example, those used by social networks, or external content supplements such as Google Maps or Google Analytics.

Depending on the period of time that the cookies remain activated in the terminal equipment, they are classified as:

  • Session Cookies: Designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are usually used to store information that only interests to keep for the provision of the service requested by the user in a single occasion. They are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the website, so none is recorded on the user’s hard drive. The information obtained through these cookies are used to analyze traffic patterns on the web. In the long run, this allows us to provide a better experience to improve the content of the web and facilitate its usability.
  • Persistent Cookies: These are those in which the data is still stored in the equipment, device or terminal, and which can be accessed and treated by the person responsible for the cookie, for a certain time that can range from minutes to several years. They are stored on the hard drive and the web detects them every time the user makes a new visit.

A persistent cookie has a specific expiration date. The cookie will stop working after that date. They are generally used to facilitate, for example, registration services.
Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained through cookies are processed, we will find:

  • Technical cookies: Allow the user to navigate through a web page, platform or application and the use of different options or services that exist in it, for example, identify the session, access restricted access parts; make the application for registration or participation in an event; use security elements during navigation; store content for the dissemination of videos or sound; or share content through social networks, identify when a human is browsing or an automated application, etc.

They are necessary cookies for the functioning of the web, such as, for example, those that serve for a correct navigation or to ensure that the content of the web page is loaded efficiently.

  • Personalization cookies: They allow the user to access the service with some predefined general characteristics based on a series of criteria in the user’s terminal, such as the language; the type of browser through which you access the service; the regional configuration from where you access the service, etc.

These cookies allow you to configure the website so that it is displayed in a certain way according to the preferences of the users, such as the language or the design of the contents.

  • Analysis Cookies: They allow the person in charge of cookies to monitor and analyze the behavior of the users of the websites to which they are installed, for example the measurement of the activity of the websites (information on the type of navigation that is making, the sections that use most, consulted services, time band of use, language, etc), and for the elaboration of navigation profiles of the users of said sites with the purpose of introducing improvements based on the analysis of the data of use what the users of the service do

This type of cookies are used to track the traffic of this website for statistical purposes and in an entirely anonymous manner with the purpose of improving the way in which I can approach the information offered.

  • Advertising cookies: They allow the management of the advertising spaces that, if applicable, the editor has included in a web page, application or platform based on criteria such as the edited content or the frequency in which the advertisements are displayed.
  • Behavioral advertising cookies: These are those that allow the management of advertising spaces that, where appropriate, the editor has included in a web page, application or platform and that store information on user behavior obtained through continuous observation of your browsing habits, which allows you to develop a specific profile based on which to show them advertising. In short, they allow the display of segmented advertising based on the user’s browsing habits, their country of origin, language, etc.

Cookies used by this Website and its purpose.

SYSTEM FILTER MEDIAM SL owner of the domain of this website states that this website, on the date of updating this cookie policy, uses the following cookie categories:

  • Name of the cookie: __utma
  • Name of the cookie: __utmb
  • Name of the cookie: __utmc
  • Name of the cookie: __utmz

We have indicated all the audited cookies to the evaluation date that appears at the end of this cookie policy; however, we could audit them every day and it is likely that there was some variation given the constant adaptation and updates from third parties. In addition, by clicking on the buttons on our social networks, cookies from each social network can be installed for the purposes they declare in their own cookie policies.

We ask users that, if they have any discrepancy or believe that a cookie is not present in the previous list, please let us know through the contact section. The purpose of this list of cookies is to help recognize cookies in the user’s browser when visiting this website, as well as provide information to accept, block or disable them.

Deactivation of cookies

Since cookies are not strictly necessary to navigate through this website, the user can block or disable them, totally or partially, through the configuration of the options of your Internet browser. All browsers allow the change in the configuration of cookies.

As a user you have the possibility to revoke at any time the consent given for the use of cookies by SYSTEM FILTER MEDIAM SL by configuring your browser. To disable cookies by modifying the configuration of your browser, you can follow the instructions specified by each browser:

Responsibilities and exemptions

SYSTEM FILTER MEDIAM SL is not responsible for the content, nor for the veracity, nor for updating the privacy policies that may be held by the third parties mentioned in this cookie policy.

The web browsers are the tools in charge of storing the cookies and, it is from these sites where you must make your right to eliminate or deactivate them. SYSTEM FILTER MEDIAM SL can not guarantee the correct or incorrect treatment of cookies by the mentioned browsers.

In some cases it is necessary to install cookies so that the browser does not forget its decision of not accepting them.

SYSTEM FILTER MEDIAM SL will update the hyperlinks provided in this cookie policy on a regular basis. However, it is possible that, in some moments, these do not correspond with the latest version published by the developer of each browser.